Balaton Uplands

25-29. August 2025

The Balaton Uplands is a plateau on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, stretching in a western-eastern direction, with two jewels: the picturesque Káli Basin situated in a former bay of the Pannonian Sea, and the stunning Tapolca Basin lined with volcanic buttes. Numerous wineries have found their home among the unique topographical formations, the stone fields, buttes, and basalt formations. From the top of the buttes and every lookout point, a breathtaking panorama opens up to the waters of Lake Balaton shimmering in the summer sun.

The Trail

Day 1. - 25/08

Sobri Adventure Park, Kislőd – Napfény Campground, Taliándörögd

The hike begins near Kislőd at Sobri Jóska Adventure Park. Traditionally, hikers are expected to arrive on Sunday, which is "day zero." It's a good idea to get there early because the park offers numerous entertainment options, including a nearly 1 km long mega zipline from the neighboring hilltop.

Start the hike on the blue nature trail, where you can explore the local wildlife. The trail leads you to Csárda Hill near Úrkút, explore the ancient quarry tunnels, a highly protected geological site known as the "ancient karst"! The trekk continues along the national blue trail, than with a sharp turn to the right onto the blue cross trail, the road will lead to the basalt geological nature trails of Kab Hill. Along this section, you'll see geological wonders made of volcanic rocks. Be sure to visit the Old Rocky Cave, Torma Meadow, and the Nyírtó marshes. From here, the trail leads to the Padragkút road, where you'll reach the checkpoint.

After leaving the checkpoint, you continue on an unmarked path to the Halimba Bauxite Nature Trail, where you can explore the bauxite lenses of an abandoned bauxite mine. Walking through the red soil might make you feel like you're on Mars. After visiting the mine, the trail leads you to Atibor Hill, where you can rest by the “Square Round Forest” and enjoy the view while chilling in the grass.
After your rest, the trek descends to Taliándörögd, where you can visit the medieval church ruins before arriving at the campsite in Napfény (sunshine) Campground on the village's outskirts.

Detailed itinerary:

Sobri kalandpark - Úrkút - Ajkai földtani tanösvények - Halimbai bauxit földtani tanösvények - Taliándörögd


24,4 km


Elevation gain: 482 m | Elevation loss: 520 m

Elevation profile

Day 2. - 26/08

Taliándörögd - Káptalantóti

Leaving the camp, you walk through the main street of Taliándörögd, then follow the yellow trail along a forestry road, passing Ráskópuszta and through the Bondoró Hill forests. At the forest's edge, you reach the border of Monostorapáti but don't need to enter the village. Instead, turn right along the forest's edge to join the Hegyesd Nature Trail, reaching the base of Hegyesd Hill. Here you find the day's checkpoint.
From the hilltop, there's a spectacular panoramic view of the Balaton Uplands and the southern side of the Bakony Mountains. Descending the hill along the yellow trail, you arrive in Diszel, where it's worth taking a break at the local inn to refresh and refill your water bottle. The trail connects to the blue stripe trail and climbs to the summit of Csobánc Hill, where you can enjoy the view and visit the castle ruins. Following the blue stripe trail, you descend to Káptalantóti. The camp is located on the Sabar Wine Estate at the far end of the village, on the slopes of Sabar Hill.

Detailed itinerary:

Taliándörögd - Monostorapáti - Hegyesd - Diszel - Csobánc - Káptalantóti


23 km


Elevation gain: 456 m | Elevation loss: 556 m

Elevation profile

Day 3. - 27/08

Káptalantóti - Csórompuszta

Leaving the camp, you first visit the Sabar church ruins along the blue “ruins” trail, then climb Kopasz Hill. The view from here is also beautiful. You can see the houses of Mindszentkálla at the base of the hill, where you descend via a long staircase. The Káli Kapocs (Káli Connection) is an unmissable refreshment point, and the trail leads you right there. Following the blue square trail and the markings of the Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago), you leave the village, passing through Szentimrepuszta to the edge of the Szentbékkálla Stone Sea, where the checkpoint is located.

After walking around the Stone Sea, you arrive in Szentbékkálla along the blue trail. From here, you follow the yellow triangle trail, which climbs through a protected forest to a solidified basalt lava formation, Keleményes-kő. This point offers a stunning view of the Káli Basin. The Fekete Hill Eötvös Károly Lookout is also not far, just walk through a spacious mountain meadow. From this spot, you can see all the volcanic hills, called butte, Lake Balaton, and the Nivegy Valley. From the lookout, you follow nature trails around the Black Hill Lakes, the Monostori and Kálomis Lakes, eventually reaching Király-kő at the plateau's other end. From the top, the Valley of Arts and Kapolcs unfold before your eyes. You reach the edge of the Mill Island in the village, then follow the Eger- stream along the mill nature trail to Csórompuszta.

Detailed itinerary:

Káptalantóti - Kopasz-hegy - Mindszentkálla - Kőtenger - Szentbékkálla - Fekete-hegy - Monostori-tó - Kálomis-tó - Királykő - Kapolcs - Csórompuszta


21,4 km


Elevation gain: 565 m | Elevation loss: 494 m

Elevation profile

Day 4. - 28/08

Csórompuszta - Mencshely

Leaving the camp, you head towards Vigántpetend. Following a forestry road starting near the church on the village's edge, you reach the Old Forest, where several nature trails can be found. The yellow and green trails lead you to the Hamuház Spring, with comfortable benches and cool spring water. From Hamuház Meadow, you head north along the blue and green trails past Csicsó Forester's Lodge until you reach the Tálodi Forest. By the Tálodi monastery ruins, you can refill your water bottle at the Tálodi Spring. The blue trail offers the opportunity to explore the St. Michael monastery ruins, where Pál Kinizsi's tomb can also be seen. The route then leads you to Nagyvázsony, where you find the checkpoint at the square near Kinizsi Castle.

From the castle, you head south on the green trail to Nemesleányfalu. It's worth paying attention to the marking, as an unmarked section follows, crossing a field until you reach the Mencshely camp. Looking back from this section, you can see Kab Hill with the transmission tower on top.

Detailed itinerary:

Csórompuszta - Öreg-erdő - Csicsói-erdő - Tálodi-erdő - Nagyvázsony - Mencshely


19,1 km


Elevation gain: 380 m | Elevation loss: 248 m

Elevation profile

Day 5. - 29/08

Mencshely - Zánka

South of Mencshely stands Halom Hill, another volcanic hill like those in the Tapolca Basin. Your first destination is the Kossuth Lookout at its summit. The nature trail information boards provide details about the hill's formation. Descending the hill, follow the yellow cross trail leading to the ruins of Kis-Dörgicse Church. At the village's edge, continue on the right branch of the yellow stripe trail. Next is Kű Valley, a short gorge with climbing practice walls along its sides. At the other end of the valley, you reach Dörgicse at the Blessed Virgin Church ruins. In the village, you head west along the red ruins trail, leading to the next hill with the St. Balázs Church ruins, where the checkpoint awaits.

From here, two pilgrimage routes, the St. James and the Maria Route will lead you further, passing through vineyards to Tagyon. The two routes join the national blue trail, which you follow through the vineyards until you reach Hegyestű and the geological visitor center. Climbing to the top is a must for a beautiful view of Lake Balaton. You descend the hill via the yellow trail, which leads you to Zánka. Walking through the houses, you reach the destination of Vándortúra at Tenger-szem Horse Ranch via Rózsa Street.

Detailed itinerary:

Mencshely - Halom-hegy - Kis-Dörgicsei templomrom - Kű-völgy - Dörgicse - Szent Balázs templomrom - Tagyon - Hegyestű - Zánka


19,5 km


Elevation gain: 317 m | Elevation loss: 495 m

Elevation profile

Are you curious about what was Vándortúra like on the Balaton Uplands in 2022?  Or want to relive the happy memories? Have a look at this summary! 

Memories from Balaton-uplands